Combat cough and cold with easy home remedies

Apart from making you feel uneasy, cough and cold sort of brings your entire world to a stop. Don’t you just hate the feeling of sneezing through-out the day along with having watery eyes and a body that hurts like nothing else?

While allopathic or homeopathic medicines can take their time to relieve you of cough and cold, many households still adopt home remedies to cure it without side-effects. Apart from being free of side effects, home remedies for cold and cough are easy to follow and economical in cost. 

We are sharing a few home remedies for cold and cough as follows: 

  • Luke – Warm Water

Probably the easiest of them all, drinking luke-warm water is sure to help in easing the blockage in your nose.

  • Milk with Turmeric

A great immunity booster in general, milk and turmeric will help you get rid of cough and cold quickly. Turmeric, a very common kitchen ingredient is rich in antioxidants that help in treating numerous health problems. 

  • Solution of Jaggery

Add some black paper, cumin seeds and jaggery in a glass of luke-warm water. You will get relief within a couple of hours.

  • Honey and Brandy

Brandy helps your body keep warm and honey helps in fighting cough.

  • Ginger Tea

Ginger tea helps in expelling phlegm from your respiratory tract and also tastes great.

  • Lemon, Cinnamon and Honey

Give this one a few brownie points as you want to have this mixture again and again because of its great taste and it would also get the work done of fighting cough and cold pretty fast.

Apart from all the home remedies for cough and cold that have been mentioned above, it is important that you take care of yourself. After all, it is said that precaution is better than cure. If conditions do not seem to improve, make sure that you consult a doctor and take proper medicines prescribed. 

Surprising Benefits of Raisins You Should Know

Whether you feel like snacking or gulp down some nutritional content, raisins fits the bill any day. The nutritional value of Raisins makes it a magical fruit used to cure a lot of health related issues as constipation, anemia, acidosis, sexual dysfunction, fever, improves eye health, dental care, bone quality and many more. The sweet sugary taste of raisins make it a favorite among individuals of all ages, kids to adults!

And don’t judge the fruit by its size, the list of health benefits is more than you can think of. The nutritional value of raisins contain a high quantity of B-vitamins, potassium, fiber and iron.
Let us consider some amazing benefits associated with these tiny magic pops:

Controls Your Sugar Levels

According to several case studies, raisins are said to slow down the postprandial insulin response. For those who didn’t get the hint, raisin help stabilize the insulin shoot ups after each meal which can be very dangerous for diabetic patients. Not just that, the nutritional content in raisins help control the release of leptin and ghrelin, the hormones that tell your body if you are feeling hungry or full.

Helps Prevent Acidosis

Acidosis is a condition wherein the toxicity of the blood spikes or an increase of gases in our respiratory system. This problem can lead to a number of other health issues as boils, damage of internal organs, gout, heart disease, tumors, renal calculi and in many cases, cancer. And raisins provide a good support in curing acidosis due to its source of antacids. The nutritional value of raisins include magnesium and potassium, both of which helps balancing the pH level.

Other Health Benefits

Raisins come with multi-health benefits. It helps stimulate the burning of cholesterol in your body, sweeps out toxins & other harmful things from the digestive tract, maintain good dental health, improves bone density, fever and saves you from a number of health issues. And if these benefits doesn’t give you motivation to include raisins in your diet, we don’t know what will! So add a handful of raisins (not more) in your diet to reap amazing benefits to your health from the nutritional value of raisins.

3 Home Remedies for Cancer Which We Need To Think Upon

Cancer is a disease which is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in a human body. Though there will be hardly a family in this world left untouched by this complex human body disorder, but it has not been yet understood completely. 

Some people believe cancer can be treated with Cannabis oil and eating clean food. This is a total myth as there is no scientific evidence available to validate their anti-cancer properties.  

In this blog, we will take a close look at three most popular home remedies for cancer & how effective they are in treating this disorder. 

1. Cancer Can Be Treated By Eating Certain Foods 
Given the huge volume of information present about cancer in Google and other World Wide Web search engines, people are being made to believe that this disease can be treated by eating certain foods. But the reality is that foods like Garlic, broccoli, fresh vegetables and fruits can help prevent cancer but if the disorder has been already diagnosed in a patient, it will be absurd to think that these will cure the disease. 

2. Alkaline Diet Fights Cancer 
Alkaline diet is suggested by most homeopathic doctors to their parents believing it can help prevent cancer.  They believe that an acid diet can encourage cancer formation so it needs to be replaced by the alkaline diet.  Although eating alkaline diet is good for health in many aspects but it is not a solution to prevent cancer formation in a human being. Tissue acidity is regulated by the brain and blood in an animal body, hence eating alkaline diet can alter or control cell growth in our body.

3. Cannabis Oil Can Treat Cancer
Due to some false beliefs, most people around the world, including some homoeopathic doctors have start believing Cannabis oil is more efficient than a chemotherapy treatment.  But there is not any evidence available that can validate this belief and prove cannabis can be an alternative to chemotherapy to prevent the growth of cancer cells. 

The widespread sources of information available on the internet about any disease often lead to confusion than providing any solution. One source of information contradicts the claim of other and so on. So always consult a doctor to separate the fact from the fiction.

How To Reduce Wrinkles And Fine Lines From Face Quickly?

Wrinkles and Fine Lines are generally considered the symptoms of ageing, but early occurrence of these two ageing signs on the face is also possible. 

Yes, this is true, sometimes, wrinkles also appear in young age but a relief is they are temporary and can be easily removed with certain experimented natural home remedies. There are treatments available to erase wrinkles & make face smooth and skin firm. 

In this article we have taken a closer look at how to reduce wrinkles with some naturally occurring fruits and vegetable. Hopefully, you will find them useful and ask for more face care tips in Hindi and English.   

Let us know how to reduce wrinkles with 5 universally applicable natural home remedies: 

  • Egg Whites Facemask 
Eggs white contain rejuvenating magic.  A message of several egg whites leaves natural B & E Vitamins that reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin.  Massage and rinse after 10-15 minutes. 

  • Olive Oil Massage 
A gentle massage of olive oil makes skin soft and supple.  Massage your face with a few drops of olive oil before bedtime and then rinse with a soft towel. Your skin will become healthy and wrinkles will itself disappear from the face. 

  • Fresh Vegetables And Fruits 
The fresh fruits and vegetables supply your blood much necessary vitamins and nutrients.  They detoxify the blood and make it pure. Your skin starts looking beautiful and wrinkles disappear.

  • Citrus effect of Lemon
The citrus effect of Lemon juice makes it a one most popular anti fine lines and wrinkles fruit. The acidic nature of Lemon makes skin look brighter and reduces wrinkles on the face.

  • Avoid Smoking And Sun Exposure 
The sun rays damage your skin and create wrinkles. According to dermatologists, a sunscreen with SPF rating of above 30 is the most beneficial product available against wrinkles and fine lines. But it is better to avoid smoking and sun exposure and eat only healthy diets.


Although wrinkles and fine lines are mostly attributed to genetics, your lifestyle can also be a cause for their early occurrence on your face.  The direct exposure to the sun for longer periods of time, smoking and eating unhealthy diets can also lead to wrinkles on the face. 

You can try above discussed home remedies at home and bring the lost youthful complexion back on your face. Your skin will become rejuvenated and wrinkles will permanently disappear. Moreover, you can also read our face care tips in Hindi to achieve smooth and supple skin.

Best Home Remedies for Paralysis

Paralysis is a fatal disease. It damages the nervous system of the body. Spinal cord in the body is majorly affected due to dysfunction of the nervous system. As a result, an organ or a portion of body or even in some cases, the entire body becomes paralyzed. The attack of paralysis can be temporary as well as permanent, depending upon the magnitude of the attack. There are many causes that result in Paralysis. Some of the main causes are- tumors in the brain or spinal region, Trauma, sudden strokes, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease and many other minor causes.

Paralysis makes an organ or the body incapable of performing any movement. As a result, the organ or body becomes numb and dysfunctional. People who suffer from this disease find difficulty in leading a proper life, like before. They become dependent on others to help them in performing basic actions like- eating, bathing, walking etc. Only things that can cure them are- medicines and prayers. At times, these medicines also turn ineffective in treating the patient. Hence, paralysis patients die an early death, without returning to a normal course of life again.

Home remedies for paralysis   

Many people are not aware that there are some home remedies to treat paralysis faster. These home remedies for paralysis, have worked, actually, on the patients. These home remedies are effective, and will save your cost. Practicing them or buying ingredients for these remedies is cheaper and easier. Here is the list of home remedies for treating paralysis:

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is widely known for its versatile nature. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial property. Regular use of it benefits skin texture, improves hair growth and treats gum disease. It is advised to consume it indirectly, by using it as a replicate of cooking oil. It can be used in place of ghee. It helps to prevent as well as cure paralysis attack. Therefore, consume it regularly in meals.

Practice yoga

Yoga is really beneficial for the body. It keeps us healthy, disease-free and energized. Anulom vilom Pranayama is an important yoga asana. The regular and proper practice of this asana has shown positive results in paralysis patients. Practicing it regularly for two weeks or more, improves the condition in patients. Except it, kapalbhati and Ujjai Pranayama are also effective in reducing paralysis syndrome.

Do acupressure regularly

Generally, acupressure helps in dealing with various diseases. It is also helpful in curing paralysis.  To cure paralysis faster press upper part of the ring finger if the left side of the body is paralyzed and do vice versa if paralysis persists on the right side of the body.

Consume garlic

Consuming Garlic regularly is another home remedy to cure paralysis. Consume it directly instead of adding it to food. Take 6 to 7 pieces of garlic, grind them well and then, add three spoons of honey in the mixture. Have this concoction daily for two months. Results will be visible only after proper and timely consumption of mixture. There is another way to consume garlic. Add few pieces of garlic in the boiling milk and consume it regularly, without delay. This will not only treat paralysis but also improve blood pressure and make affected area active again.

Apply Black Pepper to Affected Paralyzed Area  

Black pepper is also effective in treating paralysis. Take 60-70 grams of black pepper or black pepper powder and add it to heated mustard oil.  Now, apply this concoction on the affected area of the body. By regularly applying it to the affected area, the inactive organ will become active and respond to motions again.

Follow these home remedies regularly, to see better results. These home remedies for paralysis are effective and don’t have any side effects on the body.

Know About Natural Methods for Abortion

Pregnancy is a blessed time for a mother. It fills the mother with good hopes and, blessings from elderly people. This time-period of pregnancy is greatly enjoyed by new mothers. Every couple feels happy when they get the news of the coming of a baby. The responses to this news are usually positive, in most of the cases. But there is also another side of it. Today, many couples wish to have an infant only if they are able enough to carry out his/her responsibility, give him/her proper care and upbringing. The couple who don’t visualize themselves as ideal parents, shreds this thought into pieces. Moreover, in today’s time, it is difficult to meet one’s own needs in low-budget families. So planning of baby without keeping these factors in mind, can be regretful in later stages of life. Today’s generation is aware of the essentialities of family planning. They understand this fact and, therefore, abstain from having babies more than one or two.  

Therefore, pregnancy is not always a time of celebration. It is better to abort the pregnancy in the early stage, if the mother thinks she is unfit to have a baby or carry out his duties properly. Abortion is the solution to this problem. As taking care of the baby is not easy, it requires physical, mental and monetary power. If someone is not prepared to carry on these responsibilities, then abortion is an apt choice for them. Taking medications for abortion is not always advised if the mother wants to abort in the early stage. In many cases, medicines for abortion result complications. One can also think of using some natural methods for abortion as they are useful, cheap and effective.

Natural Methods of Abortion

Here are some of the natural remedies for abortion. If these remedies are followed carefully in the right procedure, then the mother will be able to abort the child without any complication. These remedies should be performed within 10 weeks of pregnancy, performing them after 10 weeks is not recommended. 
  • Consume cinnamon in raw form 

Cinnamon is widely known for being the rich source of vitamin and minerals. It is also used in many dishes, beauty products and medicines. Expect this, it is also known for causing miscarriages in pregnant ladies. To abort a child, it is advised to consume Cinnamon in raw form. It smoothens the uterus muscles, which results in contractions and leads to miscarriage. It is advised to drink water after consuming the cinnamon in the raw form. 
  • Eat papaya in early gestation period

Papaya is a juicy fruit that everyone loves to have. Pregnant mothers are advised not to consume the fruit during their pregnancy period. Consuming the fruit in raw form can cause abortion. As the fruit has an enzyme called Papain, which increases the progesterone level in the uterus. Actually, there should be low levels of progesterone in the gestation period of nine months. Thus, consuming papaya is the early gestation period can result in abortion. 
  • Consume Goji berry

Goji berry which is also known as the wolfberry, has been used in Chinese medication for centuries. The fruit is rich in nutrients and contains 18 types of amino acids. The fruit is also rich in Vitamin C. During pregnancy, there should be reduction in the level of Vitamin C. Consuming this fruit in the raw form increments the level of vitamin C in the body, and can result in abortion. The consumption of this fruit has been forbidden by the gynecologists but if a mother wants to abort the child, then it is best home natural remedy for abortion.
  • Consume Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are loaded with many nutrients and vitamins. Eating it regularly can serve the body with all the required nutrients and vitamins. But pregnant mothers are forbidden from consuming it. As it can result in immediate termination. There are many ways to utilize it to cause abortion. Some of the methods are:
  1. Soak Sesame seeds in water- To cause abortion, soak seeds in the water overnight. In the morning, strain the seeds for the water and consume the water directly. Continue to do it for a week to achieve the desired results. 
  2. Sesame seeds with honey- Fry the sesame seeds and have them with honey, once they are ready.
  3. Add sesame seeds to daily food- it is one of the easiest and effortless way to cause abortion. Add the seeds in food, mix them well and consume it daily until desired outcomes are received. Excessive dosage of sesame seed doesn’t haves any side effects.     

These natural methods are really effective if followed carefully. Use these natural remedies for abortion and safeguard mothers from abortion-complications.